day 286: in parts again

Today was yet another day whose parts seemed to belong to different worlds. The morning was boomer’s; midday, A’s; evening, my mom, dad, brother, and grandma’s. Such a lovely day it was.

First up was french toast attempts which will turn into bread pudding tomorrow evening (it was not as good as it could have been.) Little boom and I snuggled away as the scent of butter and pumpkin enveloped us in comfortable sleepiness. And so we watched the hours go until A came home from his morning work.

On A’s arrival, we left to have some reading and some coffee and tea at our favorite cafe. Not even loud neighbors could annoy us out of relishing the bright sunshine and the chill wind, exhilarating in tandem as they came. Our company was sweet and our hearts were happy as we headed home: A to make our home beautiful and clean before he left to his evening work, boom and I to depart once more in the safety of my dad’s van.

Boom chased squirrels outside as I studied for the GRE and chatted with my mom about all the things I want to make. And my mom, being ever resourceful, found me six skeins of yarn for $3.98, a steal if ever there was one. We (pup included) drove to the thrift store, gathered the materials, and I headed home happy to have spent only 10% of what I planned on bundles that will last well toward Christmas.

What a great day it was, and what a wonderful night it will be. Sweet sleep beckons, reminding of the big day which faces us tomorrow.

Happy Columbus Day to all.

small_Saturday Evening Post



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